To seek or not to seek, that is the question, isn't it?
It is not if you should #seek or not in relation to spirituality or science, but in how you seek. To seek in the absence of biases is not really seeking, but simply a revealing of what is in the absence of biases and associated desires. If I was to seek in the presence of biases and associated desires, I would be seeking in quite a different way to seeking in the absence of biases and associated desires. To seek in the absence of biases is to simply reveal, as all becomes naturally revealing without effort when of the absence of biases and associated desires. When we take away the darkness, what is often revealed by simply being in the absence of darkness? Biases and desires are of the darkening, releasing yourself from this control is simply revealing. Control is also of the #darkening, for to take control, one must be of biases against not being in control and controlling!!
I wrote the following to a reply I received in regards to my last post titled, "Not Just Religion but Apathy!!" When telling of the truth in the absence of biases, this is not condemnation; it is simply the truth in the absence of #bias, which will often be seen by our own biases to be condemning. The follow up reply by another person talks of seeking which resulted in this post being written.
Not in the presence of condemnation, but in the absence of condemnation should the truth be told. Of course if biased by atheism or religion, any amount of honest truth will seem condemning.
Science, religion, atheism, etc, is failing us at present due to a biased consciousness usually created by what we desire. To people of science, religion, atheism, etc, this is condemnation when it is simply the honest truth.
As it has been known throughout the ages, truth often creates enemies, especially if that truth has an honest undertone to it in the absence of #condemnation.
Condemnation is often in inline with biases therefore dishonest truths. No matter what the truth is, look for honest truth, usually in the absence of biases. It is the dishonest truth sayers who create war, not the honest truths sayers, even when the dishonest truth sayer are at war with honest truth sayers.
Deceptively, the dishonest truth sayers will accuse the honest truth sayers of creating conflict, as usual and as expected.
" I agree that the absence of condemnation is the key.
I then agree with your second point that truth sayers, truth speakers and truth seekers are different.
Indeed when we make judgements of others we are furthest from the truth about ourselves.
Truth seekers are then of more value to our journey to consciousness than truth sayers because they have yet to judge.
Defining truth creates enemies, again we agree. Those whom then seek truth rather than claim to have found it are often the subject of the ridicule of those claiming to have found truth.
Reality lies in there being no single definable truth. Reality is not two dimensional to be divided between truth and non truth but rather a collection of truths of varying degrees of reality.
Truth sayers through premature judgement will accuse all those not of their single truth as being dishonest yet all they have is a single piece of the jigsaw upon which they seek to base the whole jigsaw picture.
They are not wrong, they are incomplete and they should still seek whom claim to have already found."
The question remains, to seek or not to seek, in the darkness created by biases, desires and control!! Now imagine being young and seeing no foreseeable future in this darkening. Because many of us have clung to the control of biases and desires, we have left the young no foreseeable future. Not the kind of legacy I wanted to leave the young.
If you desire to be only of what the light reveals, of a bias against darkness, you will remain in the darkness.
However, if you simply reveal what the darkness does not reveal, you will be of the light even when within the darkness.
Being within the darkness is different to being of the darkness. You can be surrounded by bias/darkness but still be of the absence of biases/darkening. The question isn't if we seek/reveal or not, but how we seek/reveal.....