Written by Mathew Naismith
A lot of my in-depth intellectual discussions have been with coloured people, this is not the usual trend for white people it would seem.
Being neutral is not in support or favouring one side over another, it is a state in the absence of bias or preference. This means that this state is also of the absence of manifested preferences or desires, and yes, this includes the absence of desiring or preferring one state over another.
The reason for this is that you are neutral to all states including experiencing states of neutrality over other states like unconditional love or unconditional hate. Yes, love isn't just the opposite of hate but an opposing opposite and visa-versa. Unconditional love can't exist within the same exact space as unconditional hate and visa-versa, so love has an opposing opposite where neutrality doesn't. Consciousness's of love and hate are also limited to the awareness of love or hate. How many people of love or hate intermingle with their opposing opposite? Intermingle means combine into one. Where forces are obviously opposing, no intermingling can occur, this is very different for states of neutrality as I will explain.
Being in a neutral state means that one is neutral to experiencing other states. Being neutral also means that one is openly aware to everything, not just to what is desired. A neutral state is also of a state of what Buddhism calls a state of pure awareness, where the ego is unable to express preferences and desires based on biases. Hinduism calls this state zero point, where energy is at its purest state, of course this state is also known as God in many ideologies and isms as well.
How do white people usually interact with coloured people and visa-versa?
"For the survey, the institute’s researchers asked respondents to “name up to seven people with whom they had ‘discussed important matters’ in the past six months."
To be honest, most of my important intellectual discussions are with people of other cultures, races and beliefs. My most in depth discussions in the past were with coloured people. So why are people like me different to most white people? Neutrality. Colour, creed, culture, beliefs, etc, are simply absent in a state of neutrality. Let's be honest, usually another colour, creed, culture, belief, other than our own is seen as negative, being that we are the positive one's!! Where is the neutrality in thinking in terms of negative and positive, black and white, etc?
The Australian aboriginals I have intermingled with in the past couldn't believe I was white. Being white to me doesn't mean I am the positive or light, and that dark people are negative and of the dark, it is simply all energy no matter how energy is expressed or formed into.
Do a lot of aboriginal people treat white people differently to their own race? Yes, for two reasons. White people are seen to have lost their spirit by focusing more on the material world than the spirit world. Secondly, it is known to the Australian aboriginal that white people most often look at themselves being the positive, and the aboriginals as being the negative.
This is exactly why I try to guide people away from the perceptions of negative and positive, to what I call a black and white mentality. Now imagine the backlash from trying to guide people away from a black and white mentality. The reaction has been interesting thus making me more aware of what is going on. This reminds me of why Jesus was persecuted, he was simply too neutral for a lot of people to cope with, even of his own race.
I also at times wear traditional Indian and Middle Eastern garments in public. The reactions I receive are anything but neutral from a lot of white people. It is not that I am trying to be neutral, it is just, in my own mind, I am lucky enough to be naturally expressively neutral.
Can you become too neutral?
To me, this is like asking can we become too aware or too much of a state of pure energy or of God. Being neutral is only excessive to those not of awareness, pure energy or of God. For me, I would rather be scorned for being too neutral than being of one or the other, a state of bias created by certain desires only. You also can't become of a neutral state if you are of biases and associated desires. I still express desires and biases, I am neutral to this, but I am aware of what my biases and desires create, this makes a huge difference. I am also willing to forgo my biases and desires, for they are simply only of the material therefore limited to certain perspectives and aspects of life over all.
I am also neutral in relation to the material, being human, and the immaterial, being of spirit. I don't, even under the present circumstances of the world, desire to be of the immaterial (spirit) over and above the material (human). To me, be it of the material or the immaterial, it is still just energy. A coloured person simply becomes a person in the absence of negatives (dark) and positives (light). To go further with this, everything simply becomes energy no matter what form energy is formed into.
Yes, this is how a person of a neutral state of being to one extent or another thinks and expresses themselves. It is simply energy, only an energy that is not of a neutral state will divide energy in accordance with its biases and desires; colour, creed, culture, beliefs, etc.