Written by Mathew Naismith
The picture above is showing some of my own produce from my vegetable garden. The spinach depicted above grew quite quickly, probably mainly due to the weather of cool nights and warm days and care. This is as with ourselves developing in the just right #environment, we too all would flourish in the just right environment. Notice I said all. Yes, in just the right environment, we would all flourish, not just some people #flourishing off of others, especially off of the misery of other people, but all people's of the world.
Yes, I am going to feed off of the spinach I grew which you could relate to flourishing off of other people. Like a multinational that certainly helped grow a huge population to flourish off of, I grew some spinach to feed off of. If it wasn't for the multinationals flourishing off of its crop (people), not many souls would have experienced life, as of the spinach I grew!!
Firstly, I didn't grow the spinach to just simply flourish off of, I grew the spinach because I like spinach and it is good for me as I am good for the spinach. The spinach also flourished, so in this case it is two energy sources working in unison to create a flourishing life. Of course to do this, the environment (weather) has to be just right.
Now, how many people under the control of multinational's flourish under their created environment? For starters, I don't live off of sick dying plants or use and abuse energy to excess to grow food. There is also no deception, as I do tell my plants they exist because I exist. Deception doesn't create unison between two energy sources, in all honest truth, quite the opposite. I don't hear too many multinationals telling us that they are going to make us sick to live off of, but I do tell my plants I am going to live off of their flourishing energy. I actually tell my vegetables I am going to transform their energy, there is nothing like being openly honest and truthful to plants.
You can't destroy #energy, but you can transform energy, it is the environment we create that makes a difference to the energy being transformed. If I neglected tending to the spinach in just the right way and creating the just right environment for the spinach to grow, would have the spinach flourished?
Would have so many souls been able to experience material life if it wasn't for the multinationals? In all honesty, I would say no, so our souls do owe multinationals some kind of appreciation. However, the environment that has been created by multinationals isn't an environment favourable for all souls to flourish in, only certain souls. Environments created by multinational's are not created through the harmonious union of energy, but the disunion and abuse of energy. You can't create the just right environment for all to flourish in if there is abuse and a disunion of energy.
My own material energy, as of my soul's immaterial energy, is reliant on a harmonious union of energy to flourish. I just couldn't imagine flourishing materially or immaterially off of sick dying plants or off of the abuse of energy period myself, however, I do exist materially due to the abuse of energy of other forms of energy sources, obviously!! The trick is, to flourish in such an abusive environment of energy that created your #material being, #immaterially create your own flourishing just right environment to start with. This is why so many people have turned to spirituality/religion in such an environment, to help balance out one environment with the other with the immaterial. Of course there are so many more people today caught up in the present material created environment, thus creating an imbalance in the present environment between the material and the immaterial being/self. #Souls lost within their own created material existence, often in the absence of a balancing immaterial awareness. Yes, to me, as a child that was brought up in a radical atheistic environment, the just right environments to flourish in is created through an immaterial awareness.
Of course as always, this is the way I see a just right environment for all, the end......