Written by Mathew Niasmith
The #crab mentality is often phrased as, "If I can't have it, neither can you", but also phrased as, "I will crawl over anyone to get what I want", as crabs often do. As you can figure, the crab mentality is all about the good of a singular, not a collective. As I wrote bellow on medium in reply to an article titled, "Why are Europeans so much happier than Americans?"
Indeed Umair, the capitalist crab #mentality, where crabs scamper over each other for even the smallest of morsels. The type of capitalism we are talking about here is conditioned into a consciousness; otherwise a consciousness wouldn’t go down this path as it is unnatural. The people are not at fault here in going down this unnatural path, the system that has conditioned its people to the crab mentality is.
The crab mentality doesn’t create harmony and contentment, the crab mentality creates disharmony and discontentment. What do disharmonious discontented people do to become and stay happy? They often spend what they haven’t got!! Now, who benefits mostly from this? Follow the money and power and you will find your answer.
The average person of the US is simply being used and abused by a very corrupt system, a system that conditioned a consciousness to the crab mentality to live off of. As of many countries around the world, the average person is simply a crop to this system that can in any season be harvested. Imagine a crop that doesn't need planting and the fertilizer produced by this crop is used on this crop to make you even more money!!
It is an ingenious system, but a system so corrupt and immoral that the average #consciousness is unable to truly fathom its depths in corruption and immorality to the human race as a whole. It is the biggest crime to humanity and decency in human history.