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Reassuring Presence

#Reassuring is simply an act of support, asserting that one is not alone on their journey and that assistance is at hand, if needed. If you are a #materialist in any sense, there probably is no point in reading on as this post is about immaterial existences, not primarily or inclusively of material existences.

After three and a half years of my mother's material transition to the #immaterial, my mother's assumed death, my mother is finally at peace. Yes, due to my mother's regretful life existence, my mother wasn't totally at rest until recently. I am so glad that my mother never ended up haunting herself. When you have an immaterial spirit or soul that is haunting a certain place, they are not really haunting the material, as in people, they are actually haunted by their own traumas and regrets in a past life or lives. Materially, we often think we are the one's being haunted, when in actuality it is the ghost/spirit/soul that is being haunted.

When I come across malevolent immaterial souls lost within their own creation, which hasn't occurred to me a lot in my life, I point out the obvious; that they are the one's being haunted. I often do this with a knowing smile on my face. The only way a soul can become #malevolent is through ignorance, a deliberate unawares of honest truths compared to desired truths. Here I am once again trying to help souls not to become part of a malevolent consciousness, to avoid the seemingly never ending cycle of being haunted by trauma, materially and immaterially in the after life. Yes, I recall doing this in another life, I of course, with other people, were ostracised and banished from the main populous, sounds awfully familiar!!

I at first helped my mother through a tunnel after her material transition, where my mother had no idea which ends of the tunnel to approach. It was very likely that my mother could have become a haunted soul if my mother wasn't reassured and shown which end of the tunnel to go from here. Even after my immaterial mother chose the end of the tunnel to transition into a soul not haunted by trauma and regrets, my mother still had to go through a period of regrets. The trauma was gone but the regrets still remained, this is why it took so long for my mother to be truly at peace.

Through the three and a half years, I could feel my mother's progression at times. I often said to my mother, "It is alright, it is called life where an unawareness rules our present lives. There is no need for regrets anymore, it was what it was, nothing more."

This is reassuring my mother but being able to feel and become aware of my mother's progressive transition is also reassuring to me, that my mother didn't become another haunted soul.

The exact same malevolent force is out there today as in ancient times, doing it's best to transform #souls into a malevolent existence through the acceptance of desired truths, especially in the absence of honest truths. This is not scaremongering; this is the honest truth, which people influenced by malevolent forces will just say is scaremongering, as usual. Take no heed of what these misguided people say, you do have a soul, isn't it about time you protected it?

While setting up my new blog, I inserted a counter to count the visits to my blog, you could set the counter to whatever number you desired!! I don't get a lot of views these days, so you would think I would have deceived the viewers of my blog to think I get a lot more views than I do. It would seem to a lot of people today this is acceptable, to blatantly deceive and lie. Actually, studies support this, that most people in the world today accept lying and deception as being an everyday natural occurrence. As of usual, I am a minority not that ever deterred me.

I am not righteous by any means, but I do try to conform to an existence of honest truths over desired truths. I have had numerous interactions on the internet with people only of desired truths, usually in line with their ideologies. I have found that you cannot reason with bias. You would think religious people are the worse but that was clearly not the case. I think the amount of desired truths radical atheists expressed showed me what group was living in a true illusion, and this isn't of religious/spiritual groups. Correction, to be perfectly honest, I have found that certain forms of spirituality today are of desired truths as well in the absence of honest truth. In actuality, both groups scorn open honest truth it would seem.

The point is, try to refrain from selling out your soul to desired truths to malevolent consciousness, especially in deliberate absence of honest truths. As of anyone today, I can only reassure the souls that are not lost to #desired #truths, souls that are deliberately of the absence of #honest truths. So if you believe in the existence of, for example, fairies, you are not of desired truths. You will find that people who believe in fairies are of honest truth, as they honestly believe in the existence of fairies. Desired truth is that fairies don't exist no matter what evidence proves they do exist. This is like an atheist can never accept any conclusive evidence that a God exists to stay an atheist, I mean ever no matter what inline with atheistic desired truths.

My interactions with my transitioned mother, be it few, taught me quite a lot, that the soul is vulnerable to material and immaterial malevolency. Actually, it was probably more like a conformation. I do know that the material is quite insignificant compared to the immaterial, this is why so many spiritually aware people neglect their material being. The material is simply limited to certain aspects, however, the immaterial, when not influenced by desired truths, is of unlimited potentials.

So I will reassure you, if you honestly believe in fairies, God, souls and so on, you are not of a malevolent consciousness of desired truths, no matter what malevolent influenced people of desired truths conjecture. In other words speculate in accordance with their own desired truths.

Sadly, I did have a black cat in a vivid dream last night, which infers to treacherous deceit among those I trust. )-:

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