Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes, my wife and I often sit on our veranda either talking, meditating or reading, most often in the absence of mobile communication devices. Sadly, this kind of non-addictive interaction seems to have become an oddity in today's consciousness of addictions to external stimuli.
I have no actual need of a mobile communication device, as I have not watched television for nearly twelve years now. Also in all honesty, no one on the net can honestly say I have any kind of addiction of needing to be liked, as no one even remotely threatening an addiction will be. The dependency of being liked, right or feeling good from external sources and devices is too evident to the people of honest truths today, this is why people, of honest truth, unbiased truth, are most likely to be hated or despised. You are most threatening if you don't have an addiction yourself and try to convince other people of their own addictions. This is anything from science to spirituality, as I have experienced myself.
I worked as a social worker twice over in my life; I know an addiction when I see it, also, one of my brothers had a serious drug addiction which they denied of course. Denial to the obvious is one of the signs of an addiction, any #addiction. Even after trying to help my brother with the help of a psychiatric nurse, I was simply seen as a threat to his addiction. Not just because I didn't have an addiction myself, but because I was simply now seen as a direct threat to his addiction. Being reliant on desired truths, no matter what the desired truth addiction is connected to, is an addiction and often leads to a simular reaction to drug addicts. This is usually unbeknown to the addicted as the addicted are normally in denial to the obvious.
If you look on the social sites, what is most popular? Anything that makes us feel good from being right (science) to feeling love (spirituality), and of course these are of external sources of happiness. I know of a few people on social sites that don't have all the bells and whistles to attract people but simply speak of the obvious, usually in avoidance in being a direct threat to anyone's addiction. These people, are not unpopular, they are simply not popular for a very good reason. Then you have people like me, who use the direct approach to the problem of today's addictions!!
Is the direct approach a wise approach to the obvious addictions of today?
As of thinking in negatives and positives, especially to extremes, addictions are of the same #unevolved #consciousness. No evolved consciousness is going to be very well received when an addiction to the unevolved consciousness is still active to an extreme. There is no way that any other evolved consciousness is going to be well received; in fact it is most likely to be seen as a huge threat to modern day addictions. The point is, some people have to lead by example no matter what. No new consciousness is well received, especially when a consciousness is so addicted to the unevolved consciousness of positives and negatives and other addictions. Yes, thinking in positives and/or negatives can and has for many become an addiction.
So what causes many of us to become addicted?
If I was to look at the environment around me as simply being negative or of toxic vibrations, anything that takes me away from this can become an addiction. Often, any pleasantries from social interaction can become an addiction, a relief from main stream life around us. An unevolved consciousness simply goes along with the addiction to the point of having disdain for anything remotely threatening this addiction. On the other hand, an evolved consciousness will look at the environment around them in a more neutral way, a less bias balanced way in the absence of feel good excessive positives and separation.
An #evolved consciousness is simply a consciousness that no longer relies on external addictions, or any addictions for that matter.
In my own mind, try to avoid an addiction, the following should help with. Look at mobile phone addictions in a wider sense. However, just because you use a mobile phone, watch television or interact socially on the net, etc, doesn't mean you are addict to external stimulus, but it is wise to be aware of our own possible addictions to these #stimuli.