Written by Mathew Naismith

How can some people delve into the minds of other people, seemingly having the ability to read people's minds?
You can delve into people's minds using psychology or simply the ability to read body language can seem like reading people's minds. This is #materially reading people's minds as separate entities or organisms to yourself. #Immaterially, you don't actually read other people's minds but go a lot further in becoming a part of another person's consciousness.
Firstly, the ability to do this comes from releasing yourself from material limitations. Material thinking separates one from the other; as one material form is obviously different therefore separate from the other. Secondly, release your mind from such bondage by thinking immaterially/spiritually. Religion/spirituality often conditions our minds to the immaterial, for example, like the perception or belief of God or some other kind of perception of a much wiser and aware immaterial existing consciousness. No matter how you perceive this immaterial consciousness, it is all of the same consciousness, a consciousness that often gives us the depiction of one whole entity, not separate and often opposing entities.
To me, the pure aware and wise consciousness, God or a representation of, represents the immaterial where the material is represented by evil. This doesn't mean that everything material is evil, but the material in the absence of the immaterial can become evil, ominous or malevolent, naturally and by nature. This is like a cold, a virus infection, which can lead to pneumonia, a bacterial infection. Colds, flu's (influenza) or bronchitis can create a perfect environment for bacteria, like pneumonia, to germinate and flourish in. An environment depleted or in total absence of the immaterial, is a perfect environment for evil to develop and flourish in. No one of honest truth can say that evil is not flourishing at present, but of course as always, dishonest or desired truths within us will deceptively state otherwise.
Unknowingly to a lot of people, vivid dreams can be of delving into the immaterial consciousness of this whole #organism. Vivid or foretelling dreams are of the absence of separate organisms to one extent or another. The only way we can perceive in this way is through materialism as the immaterial is of one organism, one consciousness. The more you perceive everything as being of one consciousness, the more likely you will have vivid or foretelling dreams. Also, you may have more foretelling insights during waking hours. Be careful with this though, for there are certain parts of the organism that exist in an environment in the absence of the immaterial, the spiritual, altogether. Just because an energy source is not material, as in physical, doesn't mean they are not of a material consciousness.
Yes, by all means be a part of a material consciousness, but it is not wise to experience a material consciousness in the absence of the immaterial consciousness, not in my mind.
This post came about through a recent interaction I had with good internet friend of mine, as followed.
Did you mean to say youme Mike?
Youme simulates G+ in far more ways than MeWe, as I would think a Google backed social site like youme would.
We have a solicitor in the family, she just laughed at what Jamez, the owner of youme, did, and not just in underestimating me. She couldn't believe in his non-professional actions in regards to me.
I had a number of vivid dreams while active on youme that were quite ominous. One was of a vicious dog like animal like on, "The Neverending Story", stalking me. At first I misinterpreted this to be representing one person that was one of the initial major supporters of youme, what was just to occur proved otherwise.

In the vivid dream, I was standing up on a white statue while this creature walked around me stalking me in the dark. The dog stalking me ended up representing a consciousness, not a single person, harassing and intimidating/bullying me on youme. The owner of #youme unprofessionally still harassed me after I was removed from being a member of youme. This occurred after I asked to be removed from youme as I was being harassed and bullied which further endorsed what my dreams were telling me.

Now, if the vicious animal was of a light colour and the dream was set in the daylight hours, the consciousness of the founding members and initial supporters of youme would not have been represented as something ominous. At no point on #MeWe have I had any ominous dreams like this. I have been asked to join and I am member of a number of communities on MeWe, and still no ominous vivid dreams!! My vivid dreams, while active on youme, ended up being proven correct by the founders of youme.
Anyone can delve into the consciousness like this by simply seeing everything as one organism or consciousness. I simply could see what was beneath the false misleading facade. A false facade, according to my dreams, is indeed ominous by nature. You can't ignore vivid dreams like this but I did at first as I desired youme to be the social site to socially interact on.
At the moment, I am being warned about treachery and deceit in relation to someone I trust!!
Be safe,